is Twitter’s pricing high enough to stop troll farms and bots?

Let’s crunch some numbers.

Twitter Blue costs $8 per month * 12 months = $96 per account per year.

For comparison, Mailchimp’s standard package costs $20 per month * 12 months = $240 per account per year.

So it’s still cheaper than sending email spam.

But wait! What about setting up a bot farm of 1000 accounts?

1000 * $96 = $96,000 per year for 1,000 blue checkmark Twitter bots.

The median salary for a marketing job in New York is $75,002 (Source:

Any foreign government, business, political campaign, or organisation that can afford the salaries of two marketing staff can easily afford to run 1,000 blue ticked Twitter bots.

I don’t think that’s high enough to stop anyone serious about spamming, let alone a government-run disinformation campaign.

But it is enough to stop a lot of legitimate users from using the service.

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