I was planning to wait and see what Boost has to offer before deciding if I should pay $20 to remove ads on Sync, but seeing this has convinced me to delete the app for good. Even Reddit isn’t half as bad as Sync when it comes to trackers and shady ads.
That’s like saying it’s not the bouncer who left the door wide open but the underage kids’ fault for being in a club. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s fair that the bouncer refuses to do their job until they get paid, but in this case it feels almost like the unpaid bouncer is actively inviting underage teens into the club.
nah its more like saying that bar over there does the same thing, but has painted their windows black so you can’t see at a glance that it too is full of kids.
No, they’re saying Reddit’s bouncer also left the door open, you don’t realize it because the entrance is hidden and you’re the only who doesn’t know where it is, that’s all.