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TikTok has emerged not merely as a tool for entertainment but as a formidable weapon in the PRC’s arsenal for shaping public opinion. Its algorithmic power and global reach have rendered it an invaluable asset in the dissemination of narratives that are pro-Beijing and/or critical of the the West.

The 2024 presidential election in Taiwan serves as a stark illustration of the potential impact of TikTok on democratic processes. The PRC’s strategy has evolved beyond the simple fabrication of rumours. By exploiting the natural divisions within Taiwan’s political landscape, in particular the animosity between rival parties, Beijing has been able to amplify discord and manipulate public perception to its advantage.

The subtlety of this approach lies in its indirectness. By intensifying existing disputes, the PRC can achieve its objectives without overt intervention. This tactic of leveraging internal conflicts presents a considerable challenge to democratic resilience.

The threat posed by TikTok and similar platforms in the context of cognitive warfare requires a multifaceted response. This should encompass regulatory measures, public education, private sector innovation, and international cooperation.