itty53 everywhere but twitter.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • This is a wildly over generalized take.

    Twitter was also an important tool for journalists and researchers worldwide. Military targets have come from Twitter posts. It is a reflection of a huge chunk of society. You may as well call all of internet technology “just a porn box” for how wildly over generalized that statement is. The reality is your generalization comes from arrogance. “I never engaged in such frivolous behavior”. You’re here now. Yes you have and yes you do.

    Even your comment is the first cousin of outrage, it’s pure disdain. Nothing more or less, and exactly as valuable as outrage.

  • Sure they can. Stack overflow is one example. Any business operating on user driven content will be culpable. When you agree to the EULA and it tells you “what you post here belongs to us and we grant you a license to publish it yourself”, you’re signing over ownership of your content in exchange for a license to replicate it. That’s how social media all works, all the EULAs work that way. FOSS is no different.