Can’t fucking believe they didn’t just do this, starting with the previous gen:
Xbox S1 and Xbox X1. Then current gen would be Xbox S2 and Xbox X2, and so on forever. Mid cycle refreshes can be S2.5 or X2.5. refer to the generation as generation 2 or generation 3.
. Or if they were really assed about Sony having higher numbers (ive seen this theory floated) then start with S5 and X5, fine whatever.
The current naming convention literally looks like the result of a bet between marketing departments at Nintendo and Microsoft of “hey I bet I can get the CEO to sign off on the stupidest fucking naming scheme”
I’ve played about 500ish hours of fallout 4, like 10 or so characters.
Unless I am blackhole-ing something, you are “forced” to do the base building stuff twice, for a total of like 8 minutes. Once at sanctuary at the beginning and once at the big fort to get into the armory. I don’t really count the occasional times you have to build a single radio tower to finish capturing a settlement, especially because it’s part of the radiant quests that aren’t real quests. And because it takes 30 seconds.