• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Did we really need an LLM summary of an otherwise already short article? Why do you assume it’s even able to correctly transcribe the point behind the article in the first place? For example, it says:

    The article claims that these changes are harmful to the Fediverse for several reasons:
    They violate the Fediverse’s ethos of user autonomy and privacy, by forcing users to give up their data and follow Threads’ rules.

    The article never said this. If anything, the author of the article even acquiesces "Granted, these sound like basic table stakes for federation to work well within the Fediverse. Most Mastodon servers collect roughly about the same amount of data for basic features to work correctly. ".

    So how can this then be “violating the fediverse’s ethos” when it is something the fediverse already does? The issue is not trusting facebook with this data, not the principle of data collection itself. Because of subtle nuance like this I’d say the summary is just misrepresenting the original point and just generating incorrect clickbait. There’s other stuff in it that just seems made up since it’s not mentioned in the article at all.

    TL;DR Fuck LLMs, stop thinking they understand context. They are just glorified autocomplete algorithms.

  • I think the implication is that threads/meta is going to use it for different purposes than your average fediverse application/server owner would.

    However, it is kind of a silly argument to bring up in the context of fediverse since everything you share publicly online is, well… public info from that point onwards - even more so in the fediverse that by design sends and stores it to countless other, privately owned and maintained, servers beyond your control. This comment is public and any other individual or company can get it whether they do it through activity pub or by just scraping it off any of existing (or their privately owned) instance.

    The real risk threads poses is competition and taking away content creators from mastodon, indirectly pushing everyone else under the facebook’s corporate umbrella again. I want FOSS to take over but if there’s nobody actually using it and everyone is still creating content elsewhere then there’s few reasons to stay.

  • By extension, this is why I don’t think defederating with Meta is an effective strategy. Like gourmet burger restaurants refusing to be on the same block as McDonalds.

    It’s not a question of whether fediverse and Meta get defederated, it’s a question of when. Even if we don’t defederate with them the history teaches us that eventually, when they get a monopoly on the content and users here, they’re gonna shut down the rest. It seems the only choice is whether we want to do it while meta is still growing, or wait until it becomes strong (or hope it falls apart and dies).

  • How come all these browsers don’t work with kbin communities (magazines)? The feddit doesn’t show any of them, same as this one. And yeah I know it’s called “lemmy explorer” but still, with both being backed by AP and showing together on the feed, I’d assume a browser would work with both too.

  • Internet in general always ends up being more negative than it’s deserved. I remember people bashing Deathloop for similar reasons and when I finally gave it a try last month I actually had lots of fun - as you’d say it was no Prey or Dishonored, it was only around 20ish hours to complete it and it didn’t blow my mind but it was good, solid fun with some interesting mechanics to spice it up.

    My bigger worry about Redfall is how allegedly nobody on Arkane wanted to work on it, how they hoped it’d be cancelled and how they bled 70% of their employees during its development. It doesn’t bode well for their future games, or even for Redfall and its updates.

  • I purchased it in november last year so it’s technically not 2023 but I have to give it a mention because it’s been receiving massive high quality updates ever since and it’s one of my favorite games atm - Against the Storm. Really charming and well designed, stable without any major bugs, active communicative devs… It’s an indie game done right.

  • I recently played Deathloop and while it was no Prey, it was still entertaining enough for ~25h. Story was nothing to get too excited over but the main theme, progression and general gameplay was enough to get me sucked into it. Some of the side objectives were sometimes legitimately difficult but satisfying to figure out and required you to change your approach.

    What I’m trying to say is… it’s a shame most of the devs left after Redfall, seems like Deathloop was the last real Arkane game that we’re getting. Maybe they should focus on smaller (and cheaper) projects in the future until they regain their footing, now that they have a smaller team and a very marred reputation to go along with it.