Never heard of it before. First thing that came to mind, is, if it’s privacy focused, it’s odd to have to create an account, and give their your credit card, if you are ‘privacy focused’, it sounds like the opposite you’d want.
But they do address those on their site, which is neat. I dunno if I’m ready to switch from Google, tho, worst case, sometimes I ask Bing instead when google’s results are of… questionable quality. I wonder how kagi would fare on those…
Ima need to know more on your local tts. What is it ? What does it do ?
Ngl, I’ve been thinking of ditching my Google home. Used to be great, now I would barely call it functional. Used to be super easy to play music, setup timers and reminders, ask things, now it works as expected the first time maybe 10% of the time. It’s infuriating to use