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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024

  • Yeah. The litigation risk is considered high right now, and no one wants to be first to try it.

    Which I totally get. This place is largely run by volunteers, after all.

    We saw similar hesitation in the early days of WordPress/Wikipedia/Drupal proliferation. Eventually those solutions greatly enabled sites like BlogSpot and Tumblr to become wild places, and niche sites to pop up for stuff that BlogSpot and Tumblr didn’t want to touch.

    I can think of a few specific anti-spam and security tools that strongly enabled casual admins of WordPress to start sites.

    I think we will see an erotic golden age once Fediverse moderation tools cross some unknown usability threshold.

    Edit: I come across here as really excited about porn. Lol.

    Art has a long history of being erotic, and beauty appreciation is one of the better things technology can do.

    I am also really excited for the rest of the content that will thrive after demand for porn has pushed the technology to maturity.

  • I’m not sure what to do.

    On Mastodon, I used the search function to shotgun random topics that interest me, and then followed all the hashtags on the posts that came up.

    Over time, I started replacing following hashtags with following my favorite users who I discovered through those hashtags.

    Then I started discovering and following their favorite users through their boosts.

    Now that my feed is pretty much where I want it I tend to click “hide boosts” on anyone new that I follow, to prevent their every random amusement from cluttering my feed.

    The end result is fantastic, but it took awhile to get there.

  • Yeah! I think that’s going to sway in this place’s favor very soon.

    I predict a glorious age of the very best curated pornography being here.

    As other preferred platforms enshitify, I expect a lot of innovate erotic sensual and/or dirty artists (new and established) to have a dynamic, accessible, profitable experience here.

    It’s probably going to be very horny, but also really beautiful in a lot of pro-social ways.

  • If votes were anonymous here, I might “come out” as my professional self and share more from my resources that can be used to Identity who I am.

    I’m concerned that my voting pattern is probably already being collected to build a profile on MajorHavok, to decide whether MajorHavok should be favored or disfavored in anything owned by old Elon or Zuck or Bezos.

    Elon is a fuck up, but he still owns a lot of places that I might need to use for my work.

    So, for now, it’s pretty important to me that MajorHavok and John Jacob Jinglehimer Schmidt are kept as separate identities, so that John’s employability where Elon/Zuck/Bezos has influence will remain unaffected.

  • When open standards win, it’s usually because the platform was built on them, like email or podcasts.

    That’s the perception I’m trying to counter with the web technology examples I gave above.

    I was there building the web, on proprietary products, and I believed that, myself.

    I’m delighted to report that I was wrong.

    It took decades, but the far less visible corner of the web running on open technologies is now the only portion we currently still have.

    With a big delightful exception for Shockwave Flash, and the folks valiantly keeping it alive to preserve it’s part in gaming history.

  • Did XMPP win?

    That remains to be seen. I’ll gladly accept XMPP as a point in the “against” column, as it has a long way to go, if it succeeds.

    Google succeeded handily at their last round of embrace, extend, extinguish, against XMPP, by dropping support from Google Chat.

    It’s worth noting that the question isn’t really whether XMPP replaces WhatsApp, it’s whether it can unseat SMS.

    SMS is seriously entrenched. I don’t know it’s state of openess. My understanding is it’s mostly run/owned by a few large proprietary players.


    Again, I’m happy to concede that XMPP looks doomed today, like RSS did a couple decades ago.

    Did RSS win?

    RSS certainly hasn’t won, yet. But RSS is doing fine, behind the scenes. Most of the RSS the average person interacts with doesn’t look, to them, like RSS. There’s a lot of RSS still in wide use, today. Competing solutions are currently enshitifying (Google Search, Reddit, Facebook, Xitter), while RSS is still free and still just works.

    That’s not an automatic win for RSS, until you consider that RSS has already outlived WebCrawler, Digg, MySpace and GeoCities, among others.

    I’m calling it early in favor of RSS.

    We’ve agreed that I am prone to do so, though.

    Did Linux win?

    Yes. Linux won. The vast majority of computation today runs on Linux.

    Windows used to hold a serious percentage of web hosting. My best guess is it was around half. The current percentage is unknown, but generous estimates put it at 3%, at most. For some context, the Azure cloud (Microsoft’s web hosting that Office 365 runs on) is known to mostly run on Linux.

    But to address the other part of your question:

    Is Windows desktop going away?

    Something mostly proprietary that costs money and is called Windows with be with us for a long time.

    But the Windows kernel is counting it’s final days now, while most people haven’t noticed.

    The Windows kernel is cool, but it’s a pure cost center and no longer offers anything that Linux doesn’t.

    Game developers noticed, this year. I personally, held onto Windows desktop for decades, solely for gaming. I suspect the shift this year will turn out to be a key moment in the spin down of the Windows kernel.

    A desktop OS has a ton of moving pieces. We’re currently seeing the natural trend for those pieces to take advantage of existing open solutions.

    I predict that we will see more and more of that, until the switching cost reaches the current low cost of switching web browsers.

  • who? are you talking to?

    Sorry. Movie quote. The Big Labowski. Check it out. It’s fun. For context, the guy that says that line is a blowhard, not to be taken too seriously. (Like me!)

    I don’t know what any of these things are but I’m pretty sure they’re not popular social media platforms. If you don’t understand why that matters then you have a fundamental lack of understanding of the situation as it stands.

    I understand network effects. All of my examples had large network effects supporting them, in their time.

    Seriously. Open standards win. It takes flipping forever sometimes. But they do. Check into the screwdriver thing. It’s a cool read. Or for something more recent, the histories of open and closed web browsers. I think you’ll find it encouraging.

  • Failed" how? Failed as in people stopped using them? No. Failed as in their profits plummeted? No.

    What the actual fuck?

    I gave several concrete examples whose usage was originally seen as unassailable, and is now easily measured as essentially zero.

    Of the examples I listed, only Shockwave still has any publicly recorded examples of actual continued use, because there’s a virtual museum dedicated to preserving it’s memory.

    That’s a fine definition of a failed technology.

    You’re out of your element, Donny.

    Edit: Your other points are essentially that those technologies aren’t at their dominant phase yet. I can agree about that.

    If you still need convincing (your clearly do) about open standards, read the history of licensed screwdrivers. Closed standards either die off, or become open ones. There are no exceptions.

    Windows and iOS are both notable because, in my expert opinion, both have already missed their window of time when they could have become successful open standards.

    Their respective owners actually realize that, as well. IBM Mainframe also missed that window, and there’s history available to read. We are now seeing the same business patterns (as IBM Mainframe) with Windows and iOS.

    Incidentally, IBM Mainframe actually doesn’t qualify for my failed technology list, because it’s still holding on. Windows probably has similar staying power to IBM Mainframe (hanging on in zombie death for decades). iOS isn’t lucky enough to live on huge expensive machines that are hard to move, though. It’s not going to be as lucky.

  • Yeah, but we’ve been on this stressful ride before, and we know where it ends.

    There were lots of attempts at a closed source proprietary Internet protocol. They have all resoundly failed, after looking unbeatable. Some folks still fondly remember the closed Internet protocols like OLE COM, ActiveX, Flash, Cold Fusion, and SilverLight, but few of us miss them. Okay, I do miss Flash games.

    Good touchscreen phone operating systems were a “will this ever be matched?” trade secret at Blackberry and Apple. Now the vast majority of phones run open source Android.

    Much earlier, most good-enough C compilers were expensive proprietary closed source products. Now I see very little being compiled on anything other than the free and open source GCC. Even most other programming languages and tools are now FOSS, as well. I can’t think of much for development that cracks the top 20 that isn’t FOSS. JetBrains IDEs stand out as a lone closed source hold-out.

    Open standards always win, in the end.

    The desktop computing default is honestly way overdue to switch to FOSS. That’s why it’s the year of the Linux desktop.

    The Fediverse is here to stay, and is all that’ll be left in a couple decades. But in the meantime, it’s cozy!