Rexxitor. Biology nerd. Roguelites, indie games, and TRPGs. Drowning in unused yarn, unread books, and mandatory cat hair.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • It’s really a mix of both. More heavily the way the site has been for years because people love drama more than anything else. If you want the sweet serotonin of karma, you’ve gotta be simultaneously the funniest, meanest, and most jaded person in the room, and everyone is jockeying for that position.

    It just breeds assholes by design. I’ve noticed my own behavior has changed, too, since leaving that place, although partially that’s because I just didn’t want to be like that anymore.

    But it really has been noticeably affected since the protests. I was originally trying to stay for one single sub I was in, because they were the kindest, calmest community I’d met since back when forums were a thing.

    Just the best group, for reasons none of us really understood and some of us kept trying to find psychological commonalities to explain. Truly 98% of them were people I’d chill with irl and I still know a few on discord. And also here. If you’re reading this, hello!

    But the migration away was enough to completely alter the atmosphere imo. A lot of the more conscientious users left for other pastures, leaving behind those that were more neutral or even openly hostile about the protests.

    There began to be fights and insults thrown where before this, any aggression had been unusual. The posts took a turn that reflected that feeling and I really stopped bothering with the place after a few months. I’m still a bit sad about it and there are things that I miss, but there just wasn’t enough to hold me anymore. It seemed to increasingly echo every other part of the site.

    For the moment, this place is quieter but better. We still get dumb shit every now and then, but it’s not to the same degree and hopefully never will be. As above, I blame the demographic. We’ve grouped all the people with stubborn morals into a little room and it turns out they have things in common. I do miss a couple people I used to see everywhere all the time when kbin first ramped up, but we run in different circles and they’ve gotten lost in the crowd.

    And yes, btw, I am also going to name you one of my favorite users to see around. You seem as kind as you are prolific.

  • Something similar can be said about kbins “all” page at the moment too though. I rather wish they’d give the users the tools to tailor their feeds according to their own preferences instead of interfering themselves. “All” should be all, excluding whatever my personal filters & settings get rid of.

    Is it…not that? Am I misunderstanding or mistaken. My experience has been a very “All” experience, I thought, only playing an endless whack-a-mole with porn, sports, and whatever really good sub is sadly dominating the rest of the feed.

    What would you mean by tailoring?

  • And those who were stubborn enough to keep looking at all options despite what could easily feel overwhelming to a non-tech user.

    I am not very tech-inclined, so trying to understand the fediverse as a whole felt like very deep water, and lemmy really didn’t do any job at all at explaining what it was I was committing to by choosing an instance when I didn’t even know what instances were and had trouble finding out.

    Since Lemmy was and is by far the most mentioned alternative and I found it too anxiety-inducing, it’s mostly stubborn desperation that brought me to kbin. Which says nothing to how much I’m genuinely enjoying it here, to be clear, I was just relieved to have a simple option at that point.

    Being made anxious by a new platform isn’t great and I would guess that most people who didn’t like the experience they had with Lemmy didn’t bother clicking other links that would take them to the same fediverse. They’re likely to assume they won’t enjoy that one either, and resign themselves elsewhere.

    So kbin naturally got fewer users just by word of mouth, and then the necessary brief isolation didn’t help either when people were still getting comfortable and testing out different accounts. I don’t particularly mind it other than those rare times I’m accidentally excluded, either by a question addressed only to Lemmy or their recent version of r/place disappointingly being incompatible with kbin.


  • I just assume drunken beatings were the only love he experienced as a child. Negative attention is still attention, and it’s the most likely explanation for choosing negative as your default.

    On the plus side, it always makes me stop and appreciate my own life. I could be that guy, but the only salty nuts I’m gargling are pistachios

  • Unhinged. You’ve found the perfect word for it. They come off to me like what happens in study hall when the instructor has to leave.

    granted, the response I got was “we don’t even think about you” so maybe kbin is too small to really be noticeable to them lol.

    Goodness, my pride, lmao. I think I’m quite content not to be such a giant enough instance I get thought of. Hundreds of comfier, smaller places over Reddit Deux any day. I agree, the people here seem on the whole cognizant enough to keep themselves in check, rather than…whatever reddit was. That would be one behavior I am thrilled to see die, and hopefully federating with more chaotic instances won’t kick it up again. I’m concerned it may.

  • Having thought it over, I think the only two ways this can go are that beehaw defederates with almost everyone who isn’t a carbon copy of themselves in order to lighten the load, or they put more admins/mods in control (is this possible? I assume it is). Nothing else is going to stem interaction between y’all’s instance and every person and post on the fediverse that breaks the rules. What they wanted to do is admirable, but really doesn’t scale well with the amount of interaction being seen now.

    Temporary measures while they expand their abilities would be the much more expected way for this to go. If instead their solution is to just defederate everything all the time forever because people not signed up for beehaw didn’t sign up for beehaw’s rules, they might as well have built a wordpress forum for way less money than they’re spending. There’s going to be too much.

  • I haven’t had much experience with lemmy at all, in order to guess, and I’ve seen conflicting things about them. Lemmy was already bigger and it feels like it got a lot more publicity than kbin, so they bore the brunt of the exodus. It’s possible they didn’t get as lucky as we did in who that constituted. The devs’ weird CCP bent overshadowing some other instances’ reportedly great admins just makes it even more of a confusing mess culture-wise.

    I’d like to think we can abide by such stringent rules implications as “be nice.” But their stated reasoning is that there’s just too much content to ever hope to moderate by themselves, which…they really should have seen coming on a platform whose intent is to federate, ngl. Doesn’t matter if your homebase is young. You need underlings for this once it gets beyond a couple hundred people.

    Which is why I’m leaning on the side of beehaw eventually deciding there’s no choice but to defed way more than this until and unless they can afford help. With four admin-mods alone against the mercy of the entire fediverse, their hopes of upholding the mission statement will eventually be laughable any other way.

    Not that I think we’re nearly as bad as other places out there. I think we’ve got a surprisingly great atmosphere going and I hope to god it stays. But those are their two options, and kbin users seem to have an admirably civil tendency both to shitpost and to question and hear out differing viewpoints in a way I’m not sure beehaw will appreciate.

  • I got the same sense. Authoritarianism runs on both sides of the political spectrum.

    While their FAQ touted an emphasis on empathy, the heavy flowery language while also making a point to refuse to have written rules at all somehow gave me a feeling of double-speak. The idea is nice, but now you’re open to being banned because they felt like it, and you can’t even explain how you weren’t breaking the rules if no rules exist. Refusing to allow anyone but themselves to create communities backs up the authoritarian streak. Not interested. I assume if they don’t, I’ll eventually be banned there anyway. I really like debate and I really dislike dictatorships.

    At least if one of the largest instances out there goes full Korea, it will leave other instances a chance to be noticed in their wake. It sounds salty, but I’m still getting used to what federation means for a platform and when we were still initially federating my entire feed was utterly nothing but beehaw. I am salty. I want as much variety as I can get.

  • I’m personally hoping for a unique culture, especially since we currently have quite a good one. Going solo is just going solo – it’s sad and kinda dumb, since it defeats the entire point of the fediverse, but if they’re ok hanging out on a closed forum it’s not like those haven’t existed for decades.

    I hadn’t thought something like Mastodon would be able to defederate. Thinking about it, that would be far more disastrous for a platform aimed at following individuals to be able to do. The stress induced from having to choose an instance knowing they block other instances and being unable to even tell if that’s a bad thing or not until you investigate each and every one anyway. Having to look up what your favorite people are on, if you’re on Mastodon, so you can get news without leaving any of them out. What a mess.

  • No one on beehaw can create communities except the admins, with the promise that they will personally split the ones they have into more distinct topics as it becomes necessary. As such, that also makes them automatically the mods. It’s one of the reasons I decided against it, as well as… * gestures to headline. *

    I was quite curious what removing the downvote button would do to foster actual discussion, since its use is frowned upon in my one remaining reddit kebble sub, and everyone who remains each week is shockingly cordial with one another. Pity to see beehaw crashing and burning so fast like this.

  • GOD, yes. The Fable games are like that, resulting in a large portion of the endgame map in Fable III positively loaded with werewolves and what feels like nothing else. As these were intended to be hard-hitting and unfairly fast, traveling became an annoyance.

    I’m curious what your happy medium is, though, since you dislike being over-leveled as well. I personally think being whaled on ineffectually is funny mental image, and sometimes I really just wanna chill