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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I do actually:-)

    Although the statement that:

    nobody talks about anything else

    is a direct quote from your post. We ARE talking about other things, just again, perhaps not at the frequency that you would like, or it being as discoverable as you would like.

    I did not like how you worded your post, as if we were not, when we ARE - and I gave examples of that happening, thousands and thousands and thousands of times all across the fediverse.

    If you want to take responsibility for the exact words that you said that may have mislead people into thinking that you are a Karen who is telling people what they “need” to do, then I offered my feedback in case that would be helpful. Fwiw, I do think you had a point, buried in there somewhere, I just think it is hard to find b/c your post had so many objectively false statements - “feels like” wording that if I stretch out really hard I could maybe guess at what you might have meant? (but which if you are honest with yourself, I hope you can see are factually incorrect)

    And mixed in along with the false statements are the extremely obvious ones like:

    People use social media to either talk to their friends or talk about their hobbies and interests.

    I mean… yeah?

    Admittedly, yes fashion does seem to be a neglected topic, but you cannot force people to create content for your amusement? Maybe make a post on Reddit about this place, targeted to fashion enthusiasts and gently advise them that this place exists too if they would want to come here? Or start posting there yourself, every single day and maybe multiple times a day, to help attract other like-minded individuals?

    Also, why pick on fashion, but then add on cooking, as if it is the same - isn’t that cherry-picking your details? Also:

    We need people here talking about immigration policy.

    But again, WE ARE - here’s an article that is not even 20 minutes old yet.

    TLDR: your post came across as telling others what to do, while not wanting to lead by example and actually do any of it yourself. Why not DO IT, rather than ask for all that work to be simply done for you? Again, I have no idea what thoughts were in your head as you wrote that, I’m simply saying that this is how your words strike me. Especially the statements that are outright falsehoods.

    But if you are not interested in knowing the effects of your words on others, then I am sorry to have bothered you. Fwiw, I do think you meant well.

  • You are missing the point that while you are free to do as you please, others also enjoy that same freedom. I don’t WANT to make posts about fashion, cooking, politics, or non-techie things, but if you do, then by all means, please do that? Be the change that you would like to see in the world, and all that? I hope you find your bliss.

    While I am at it though, “nobody talks about anything else” is objectively false - it is a “feels like” statement that falls prey to the hyperbolic fallacy that your POV is the only one that matters. In point of fact though, there are TONS of such discussions happening, right now, all across the Fediverse! Granted, probably not at the frequency that you want, or perhaps not as easily discoverable as you wanted. Have you considered that Reddit or Twitter or Facebook etc. may legit serve your needs better at the moment, and that’s okay too?

    For fantastic artwork here though, check out magazines such as m/[email protected], or here’s a post sharing a youtube video with nice music. For cooking, I see THOUSANDS of members making THOUSANDS of comments across MANY different places: here’s a comprehensive list of those across all of kbin.social - e.g. m/food has 2243 members and 2209 posts, and m/[email protected] has >1k comments (looks like concentrated mostly in a few posts such as https://kbin.social/m/[email protected]/t/71429/What-do-you-eat-that-other-people-think-is-odd). Surely people might even talk about politics here, a tiny bit?:-P

    And now we both are breaking your rule: discussing things about the fediverse. This place is for those with an early-adopter mindset: we don’t have daddy spez over here “taking care of us”, so we must build our own things. Thus, we often resort to talking about actions that involve that process - which I for one don’t think is a bad thing? It makes us better, to have these civil conversations about how to make things better moving forward! Although I think your post is poorly written, using inflationary emotional language that misses several points. Even so, I am absolutely LOVING how the comment section here isn’t full of harassers saying things like “U SUK”, but instead people offering constructive feedback, both positive and negative. To me, THAT is the difference between this place vs. Reddit that makes me enjoy being here more than there. Even though, admittedly yes, it does have FAR less content, and it is all of a biased nature (towards the topics that we here enjoy posting about).