I’m doing my part too!
I’m doing my part too!
I thought he was on the femboy breeding college instance 🤔
This entire thread sucks and is breaking the rule about being respectful. Please stop.
Implying that those who disagree with you are subhuman is right out of the fascism playbook and it’s definitely not being respectful of others. You can hold that opinion and you can even broadcast it widely on the internet. The rules in this community says to be respectful of others and that by it’s very definition is not. I’m not interested in arguing further, and I’m definitely not interesting in talking geopolitics with you. I want you to be respectful of others and if you can’t, I’ll remove the content and ban you from the community. If others are not being respectful, report them and I’ll review that too.
I don’t care about the content of what you are talking about. The community rules say to be respectful of others. And you aren’t. I asked you to stop but you want to argue.
I think saying that any group of humans “aren’t people” isn’t being respectful of others. Please stop.
TIL what nduja is. Sounds awesome! Got a recipe?
If only people knew how hard the staff was working to improve things and keep it up.
I think I knew in my heart it wasn’t going to be a purple Grimace cartridge, but I was still disappointed when I learned it wasn’t.
I can’t imagine why. All his policies so far seem like they would be a hit with the general public.
I saw someone make these on YouTube shorts the other day, what a cute and clever idea and they came out great!