Formerly /u/Zagorath on the alien site.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • As far as I’m aware the most widely-accepted standard for responsible disclosure is 90 days. This is a little different, since that’s normally between businesses and includes the time needed to develop a solution; it’s not typically aimed at federated or self-hosted applications rolling out an already-created patch. On the one hand, granting them that extra time to upgrade seems reasonable. On the other, wouldn’t anyone wanting to exploit a vulnerability be able to reverse-engineer it pretty easily by reading the git history?

    I dunno where I land on this, tbh.

  • I think there may be an issue with your instance, because my comment is now showing up on,, etc.

    Shortly after my instance upgraded, things seemed not to be federating correctly, but now, everything seems to be working. I suspect that was because the wokers were going through a big backlog of posts & comments that had accumulated in the lengthy time federation was not working. But now, everything seems to be working as expected between my instance and the other larger instances.

  • I’ve encountered this in two places. One was way back in the day on Runescape where they shuffled the keys after every press. The other was much more recently with a bank that had them shuffled randomly on page load, but not moving between key presses. Annoyingly, this bank allowed only logging on to their web service via a 4-digit PIN—not any sort of real password/passphrase.

  • It used your existing phone number as your identifier

    Wait, people think of that as an advantage? For me, that has always been the reason I have refused to use it. It’s also why I never even tried Google’s Allo despite being a big fan. A chat application that isn’t using the phone network shouldn’t be tied to your phone number. It makes cross-platform support extremely awkward, and that’s noticeable in how poor What’s App still is for cross-platform use.

  • Damn if that’s the amounts they’re actually talking about, I don’t know how much I would care as an employee.

    My former employer introduced stock options last year in an effort to entice people into staying. This in the middle of multiple rounds of layoffs, real-wage paycuts, a 100% return-to-office mandate, and other shitty behaviours that had morale at an all-time low. That “incentive” to stick around amounted to…about $2k. Maturing after 2 years. Suffice it to say, that was not sufficient to get people to stick around, and by the time I left over 50% of the years of experience in my department had already left.