Developer, 11 year reddit refugee


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • This has nothing to do with rockstar culture and everything to do with the fact that you’re spending 10x the amount of typing complaining about an issue than it would have taken you to just go and fix it and be done with this. So either you don’t want it fixed because you prefer to complain and die on your sword, or you don’t know how to fix it.

    Either way I’m done with the conversation. If there is actually an issue I expect someone else who is actually levelheaded and reasonable will identify it and submit a PR. Because that’s how you improve open source software, not by throwing tantrums and making wild assumptions about peoples agendas. Go touch grass or something.

  • It’s amazing how you have fallen hook line and sinker into believing that the problem is difficult to solve. It’s the agenda that is the problem.

    If the problem is easy to solve, then go solve it, open a PR, and come back here once you’ve done so.

    If you’re going to signal that something needs to be done, and you want people to join you in supporting that belief, then actually put something forward that people can get behind. What would me getting angry alongside you actually accomplish? If there was a PR then the community could go and say “Here is a solution, here’s why we think it’s worth merging” and a discussion could actually be had.

    Instead you’re just giving rhetoric about how they don’t want to solve this without any evidence, actually creating a PR and having it rejected would be all the anyone needs to see to support your opinion, so go do it.

    They have people like you who will not read actual code to see that they only care about the fact that “Rust is cool programming language” and crashing code doesn’t get any priority.

    I’ve have merged PR’s in the Lemmy repos. Don’t assume you know anything about me or my position, because you don’t. I don’t have any particular stance on Rust and if this is actually an issue it’s one I’d like to see resolved, so go open a PR and get the conversation started instead of whinging here.

    They even started a new front-end Rust application this month, because they don’t care to bother with the core of the site

    Are you referring to this repo that Dessalines forked and hasn’t made a single commit against? That hardly seems like they’re abandoning the current frontend and more like a dev messing around with various tech as we all do.

    PostgreSQL doing INSERT and SELECT statements to load comments.

    If you know what’s wrong, and you know how to fix it, then either put up or shut up. Go make a PR and fix the problem and show us that they rejected the PR because they’re not interested in improving performance. There’s folks like Phiresky actually making meaningful contributions to the backend to help improve Postgre performance, something both dessalines and nutomic have said they’re not well experts in. Be like Phiresky, actually put your code where your mouth is.

    Lastly, I don’t know if you were aware of this, but the Lemmy devs don’t owe you anything. Even less so if you’re not actually contributing code or money to help move this project forward.

  • To me there’s a bunch of red flags, but I can’t put my finger on what I reckon they’re flagging.

    Let’s start with the fact that the only way to participate currently is to make a “donation” for which you then receive a passphrase which will allegedly give you access once this thing releases. That release presumably depends on them receiving enough of these “donations”. They then instruct you to go hype this to your social network, no doubt with the goal of convincing them to donate.

    Then once you move past that there’s the fact that they’re claiming this platform operates on a “custom blockchain”. If I’m to take that at face value it means they’re spinning up their own chain for which there will be an incredibly limited number of nodes. Even if you have users running their own nodes this is going to result in centralization out of the gate and would only be anywhere near decentralized if enough active users of the network (which isn’t out yet) decide to turn into network operators. In other blockchains this is done using economic incentives because running these types of networks is neither financially or technically trivial. This no doubt means there would eventually be a Panquake token. 🥞🚀🌙!!

    We’ve seen this model before and if the network gains any traction it results in a handful of supernodes controlled either by the central entity or a cabal of entities associated with them.

    They could have saved themselves a ton of time and engineering hours by docking themselves to Ethereum either as a rollup or even by using existing Layer 2 networks. Then they would have inherited the decentralization and security guarantees that network provides and additionally opened the opportunity to market to the participants of that network.

    Then setting all of that aside there is the more obvious question of why a social network needs to be built on a blockchain. What part of an append-only ledger of immutable records aligns with the operational requirements of a social network? The only overlap between the needs of the two is decentralization, but ActivityPub already exists.

    Every single part of this looks like people trying to create monetization from a solution that doesn’t solve the problem it claims to address, while going about all of it in the worse way possible. And all of that assumes this will ever see the light of day rather than just running off into the sunset with those “donations”, which conveniently creates a form of legal protection since you gave that money under the pretense of supporting an effort without a clearly defined expectation of a deliverable.

    TLDR: Avoid

  • Zetaphor@zemmy.cctoAnnouncements@lemmy.mlLemmy v0.18.0 Release
    1 year ago

    I saw those giant threads where it was being discussed in circles and decided to take a crack at implementing it myself. Turns out it was not that difficult, I think I was just the first developer who found the threads and took action. Everyone else was focused on getting bug fixes into this release.

    Another small one I added that wasn’t called out is images now have title tags, so they will show their alt text on hover. This is also useful for screen readers.