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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • You can, but it’s difficult to find since the last update. To the right of the username at the top of the post there’s an invisible field. If you long press it then the menu at the bottom will show… Somewhere right of username, left of votes.

    The only reason I know is that I tried the app before the update, so I knew it was possible and someone posted about it previously.

    I really hope they fix this soon. Not only is the space saved not worth the hassle but it’s also completely impossible to find, and on longer comments it makes no sense to long press the top to open a menu at the bottom, and long pressing is an insane gesture to use for an invisible field. The same feature is on all regular comments, except that the menu is visible by default.

  • I’ll admit that I haven’t had battery problems for a long time, but I still think that this is a great idea if it can prolong the usage of other hardware.

    Usually the software bugs down before the battery, and even with replacement batteries there will still be an issue of what to do with the spent batteries. Can they be revived or clustered for other purposes etc.?

    I know that used batteries from cars are still valuable as storage even when they are at half capacity or less, but phone batteries are so small that it isn’t feasible.

    Hopefully this will push the manufactures into a different direction than the current use and discard strategy. European companies will soon have to file environmental reports, but with batteries coming from Asia, I’m not sure what effect EU will have. Chain responsibility isn’t really there yet.

  • I remember renting a box in the video store (1980s) with some sort of console. It hooked up to the TV and we’d play for a few hours.

    Some time after we got a commodore 64 and turning in on in front of the family and no one knew what would happen. I vividly remember how the on/off button and all the keys felt. The tapes and discs and everything is a tactile memory that I’ll never forget.

    One particular gaming session does stand out. My brother and I had both invited friends over one random day after school and while we were of different age and had no other relations across the groups everyone were united in completing this single player game. One guy at a time getting a little further than the previous one - until it was dinner time. That was the best.

    Being physically together and playing games is somehow better. Later on in my early 20s, I had a close friend and we’d always just game and drink and then hit the pubs later on, but it’s mostly the games that stand out. Myst being one. It’s an excellent single player puzzle game, but it’s even better when you’re two people trying to figure it out. We also went through Roller coaster Tycoon, GTA 3, vice City and San Andreas amongst many more together. Just gaming, drinking and sometimes we wouldn’t even make it to the pub.

    It’s been many years since then. I played many games alone that were fun but didn’t mean that much. Lately I’ve stopped gaming for myself. I only play games with my kids, hoping to give them a similar experience as I had as a child.

    Minecraft does that well. We can sit and play together or stream on the TV and talk and hang out in the room or through servers. It is probably the best game ever.

    Not because of the graphics or story or gameplay or balance or FPS or… No, it’s because you can watch the screen and be indulged without even playing the game.

  • I read some digital market reports a few years back, which showed that something like 98% of all people between 13-18 were gaming. Obviously mostly casual games, but nevertheless paying consumers of games. More female than male by a close margin.

    When I discussed it on another gaming forum they were really quick to dismiss casual games altogether, despite it being the very largest group. There’s probably still a male majority in desktop first person shooters, which seemed to be the only “correct” gamers according to he kind of people following that kind of forum. Anyway, if I were to program a game I surely wouldn’t aim at the “stereotypical” gamer. They’re a minority with very high demands and very expensive gear. The whole stereotype is gatekept to the point where I don’t want to participate neither as a gamer or as developer.