Blind geek, fanfiction lover (Harry Potter and MLP). Mastodon at: @[email protected].

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • In my opinion, folks should avoid Cloudflare at all costs. They’re free speech maximalists with a history of defending NAZI’s and other terrible people. They only discontinue service to white nationalists when the media attention gets too hot. Then they turn around and let them back in once things have died down.

    Also, speaking as a screen reader user, if they think your IP address is suspicious (maybe because you’re using Tor or a VPN), they present an inaccessible captcha and don’t offer work-arounds. Then because the entire website is blocked behind the captcha, screen reader users can’t even get in contact with you to let you know what’s happening.

  • Testing a lemmy instance to see how it might work for the r/blind community. There will be a bunch of accessibility issues fixed in the next release it looks like, so it’s a bit early to judge. Also, it’s pulled me, personally, into the world of being a sysadmin for other people. Now I get to figure out why email doesn’t work and why when you search for a community you need to press search nine times before anything shows and all kinds of other niggles like that before I feel ready to open an instance to the general masses.