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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I used to keep 2 extras as well back in the day when using the phone for an hour straight would kill it and I was on the go. I agree that batteries should be more easily replaced and the current design philosophy of hidden screws hidden behind a glued together screen is crazy .

    That said I think power banks are better. They store better they are universal so you can use them with different phones and devices and thanks to that theres less e-waste. They take longer to charge but if you know you need it you can just plug in before you get too low so you dont have to be plugged in to long.

  • People constantly complain about the engine that they use but no other game engine is as flexible when it comes to modding and no other game engine has the same level of complexity when it comes to being able to pick stuff up and move it around. You can take items off a shelf or desk in skyrim and fallout and stack them somewhere else. You can if you want decide to hoard a bunch of garbage you stole and stack them into a pyramid in your home base area.

    Are their quirks? Sure the physics tied to framerate in skyrim was a problem, the games are always buggy, and they arent usually the prettiest games out there(though skyrim looked decent when it first came out and the graphical fidelity mods can work magic).

    As for the premise does it have to do with fidelity? Of course it does. Setting a framecap on consoles means theyre able to use higher resolution assets, better lighting effects, and more complex models. I understand the preference of giving up fidelity for some smoothness and frames but 30fps isnt totally uncommon in console spaces and this is a bethesda game not a twitch shooter or a 2d fighter.

    Outside the PC space gamers hardly ever talk about or think about framer rate. Graphical effects and details and fisual fidelity are a higher priority and more important in a game where generally you mostly just walk around and explore.

    It would be nice if they had an option for a lower res mode or less detailed mode and 60fps target, but I get why they made the choice they did and ideally Im sure it’ll run at a normal framerate on pc.

    Now if it runs poorly on PC then we can riot.

  • On the other end of things you have lots of technological odds and ends in the US that are downright archaic like many of our bank systems and the fact that fax was required for many things until the last few years really.

    I guess its a grass is always greener situation but I’d rather google and large tech companies get hit with a reckoning than the current state of things.

  • One of the best things about the internet is that so much of the content and experiences we get are free, but the internet age has also driven down the price of content to almost nothing and forced a lot of providers to rely on ad based content.

    The problem that the author is laying out is one that a lot of print media have been having to contend with for the past few decades now as the internet has made news and articles free and replaced newspapers and magazines.

    Personally I dont think there is inherently wrong with sponsorship and advertising as long as it’s transparent and isnt intrusive. From the early days internet ads were straight trash. Popups that lead to more popups, adware, malware, distracting videos, distracting interactive content, and of course lots of data and processing power and battery wasted on it. Thats not even getting into the more modern trends of hyper tracking and targeted advertising. But I wouldnt be bothered by vetted non obtrusive, not animated banner ads on a site that needs the cash.

    For sites and instances that want to be independent a subscriber tier or donator tier could probably do wonders as well. I mean look at how much money random youtubers and twitch stars are able to make with patreon. So while I agree that the current market is a tricky one to weave I think in the case of running a website you can probably go a long way using a free model.

  • For me it’s the same reason I’m more likely to contribute in smaller subreddits and that is noise.

    Kind of pointless in replying to something that has been active for 8 hours and has 2,000+ posts. And god help you if you sorted by rising and got in early then you get 100 of the same reply or irrelevant stuff latching onto your comment for visibility.

    Even if you wanted to discuss on larger subreddits the content of comments would be people falling and tripping overthemselves to make the same low effort shitty joke.

  • The obvious answer to this question is that the crypto bubble burst and AMD and nvidia are charging high prices for incremental gains.

    I think the other piece to this puzzle though is that you dont need a high end gpu or even middle high to play a game at settings that look ok today. I upgraded from a 5600xt to a 6800xt recently but it was hard to pull the trigger and justify the expense because I was still playing new releases at decent enough looking settings at 60fps. Old hardware is lasting for longer, and you can still do quite a bit on midrange and lower end hardware.

    In addition to that even integrated gpus are at a point where you can play games at a decent clip. Its not the high end max all settings experience, but my wife is perfectly happy playing games on her laptop with a 5800u and vega 10 gpu.