• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • before the whole “everything is free on the internet” you had to run your own server, know someone or pay a huge bill for special network services.

    it was VC money being thrown at people for 20+ years trying to make them think the place was just “supposed” to be free and funded entirely by spam. It does not work, this is not PBS this is communication, and each user has to make a certain amount of input to keep it operational.

    What you are seeing is the internet returned to its intended designs and interactions. We aren’t supposed to be tied to providers, only protocols.

  • I’ve been using it for small apps like this and served a minor data-api through it a couple years back, I found it mostly smooth and easy, I dont usually need more composition and if I do Ill use AWS or Azure. I found it to give a lot for your dollar if you are familiar with working things in cloud deploys to be cost effective.

    I’m considering expanding into the zero trust area and setting up some tunnels and support infra for my company.

    I’m concerned mainly with any pricing gotchas but If anyone has terrible horror stories of bad service, lost data or dodgy mgmt I am all ears.

  • I’m working on it personally, right now I have a group doing pentesting on chats, I have a structured workflow application Ill be giving them soon to see if they can crack an integration point (DB, api, whatever they can get digital hands on).

    So far, with the changes OAI made about a month ago now, they can get it to do things it shouldn’t but they can’t command it like a puppy if the system command is well written.

    there are also techniques that im not sure others have considered yet. for example the conversation between the LLM and the user is not exclusive, as the provider you are the arbitrator of those data feeds. You can inspect any packet, and importantly, alter them to your will. This is pretty normal operation for most service providers and is not very different than some early RDBMS protection layers.