• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • What I did is use a wildcard subdomain and certificate. This way, only pierre-couy.fr and *.pierre-couy.fr ever show up in the transparency logs. Since I’m using pi-hole with carefully chosen upstream DNS servers, passive DNS replication services do not seem to pick up my subdomains (but even subdomains I share with some relatives who probably use their ISP’s default DNS do not show up)

    This obviously only works if all your subdomains go to the same IP. I’ve achieved something similar to cloudflare tunnels using a combination of nginx and wireguard on a cheap VPS (I want to write a tutorial about this when I find some time). One side benefit of this setup is that I usually don’t need to fiddle with my DNS zone to set up a new subdomains : all I need to do is add a new nginx config file with a server section.

    Some scanners will still try to brute-force subdomains. I simply block any IP that hits my VPS with a Host header containing a subdomain I did not configure

  • never stopped POSTing, even though I configured nginx to always respond 403 to anything from them for about a year now.

    Lol, there are definitely some stubborn user agents out there. I’ve been serving 418 to a bunch of SEO crawlers - with fail2ban configured to drop all packets from their IPs/CIDR ranges after some attemps - for a few months now. They keep coming at the same rate as soon as they get unbanned. I guess they keep sending requests into the void for the whole ban duration.

    Using 418 for undesirable requests instead of a more common status code (such as 403) lets me easily filter these blocks in fail2ban, which can help weed out a lot of noise in server logs.

  • I found the durability system annoying in BotW because I constantly had to consider the “economics” of engaging in a fight (weapons that will break during the fight VS. weapons that I will loot at the end of the fight)

    On the other end, the new weapons system is a lot more enjoyable thanks to fusing monster parts to the weapons : killing monsters with larger health bars consistently gives you better monster parts to fuse with your weapons. I also enjoy the “base weapons” all having a special effect, it leads to nice combos. For instance, I love fusing good parts to Zora weapons and throwing a water fruit at my feet during a fight to double its damage.

  • Somebody shared a blog post of mine on hackernews a few months ago, which got to the front-page. I participated in the comment section and as far as I can remember I had a lot of really interesting technical feedback. I did not notice any of the issue you’re mentioning, but there was nothing to censor or anything political about my post, and apart from this post, I do not frequently browse hackernews