Admiral Patrick

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I also develop Tesseract UI for Lemmy/Sublinks

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Yeah, like 99% sure, anyway (unless something changed in 0.19.4 I’m unaware of). lol Got an example?

    It’ll only show ones the instance knows about, and the URL has to be exactly the same. I’m not sure if there’s an internal limit to the number of crossposts the API will return, but I’ve seen spam posts show at least 7 or 8 crossposts in the list. Any more than that, and I’ve usually already banned the person for spamming.

  • The posts that show up under “Crossposts” just have the same URL. They don’t have to actually be crossposted. Any post your instance knows about that has the same URL as the one you’re viewing will show up there.

    To answer @[email protected] 's question, there’s nothing really special about crossposting in Lemmy. It works the same as creating a new post except it just pre-fills the URL, body, and title as well as adding crossposted from to the top of the post body. They’re separate posts and the only link between them is they’re matched on the URL and show up in the “Crossposts” list.

  • It’s possible, yes.

    At the very least, the Tesseract UI allows you to group communities and browse them as a single feed. It doesn’t do group posting (yet?) because I’m still not sure how best to implement that (or whether to at all) since it can be spammy.

    All that is done in the frontend, and it works, but it would be much better if the backend supported it.

    Not sure if other UIs offer similar functionality yet, but it’s definitely possible.

    Tesseract UI showing the sidebar with the 'Cooking and Food' group shown along with its member communities.

    Tesseract showing a custom feed based on the "Food and Cooking" group.

    Tesseract group editor

  • In order to improve interoperability with Mastodon and other microblogging platforms, Lemmy now automatically includes a hashtag with new posts.

    👎🏻 No way to disable this if I don’t want hashtags cluttering up my posts. And worse, it’s Lemmy putting words in my mouth / speaking for me.

    [Re: Image Proxying] The setting works by rewriting links in new posts, comments and other places when they are inserted in the database. This means the setting has no effect on posts created before the setting was activated. And after disabling the setting, existing images will continue to be proxied. It should also be considered experimental.

    What an absolutely stupid way to do image proxying. Why not just dynamically re-write image URLs to use the proxy path before serving it via the API?

    That way:

    1. It works with all content posted any time before/after the setting was activated
    2. It lets users decide whether they want to proxy or not
    3. Doesn’t break images if the home instance pict-rs is broken (which I’ve been seeing a lot of lately)

    If you think “that’s not reliable” or “too hard”, I’ve been doing it successfully exactly that way in Tesseract with it’s image proxy/cache for over 8 months (on the front end…in a cave…with a box of scraps).