What’s the best of breed Window/Tab manager for Chrome (Mac)?

I often find my windows too cluttered - duplicate tabs, too hard to find the thing I am really looking for. This has to be a solved problem - what am I missing?

So far TabBrew looks like a promising option, but there seem to be about a dozen extensions, and maybe other ways of doing this?

Hoping to tap the Lem-mind…

  • Falmarri@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I know you asked for chrome, but firefox is really the best here. With https://github.com/mbnuqw/sidebery (version 5) it’s extremely nice.

    Here are my custom styles which I think make it look a lot better

    #root.root {--tabs-activated-shadow: 0px 1px 4px -1px rgba(0,0,0,.5), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.133);}
    #root.root {--tabs-activated-bg: #d3ebffff;}
    #root.root {--tabs-inner-gap: 6px;}
    #root.root {--tabs-indent: 8px;}
    #root.root {--tabs-font: .9rem sans-serif;}
    #root.root {--tabs-height: 25px;}
    #root.root {--popup-bg: rgb(244, 245, 246);}
    #root.root {--general-margin: 0px;}
    #root.root {--frame-bg: #9a9996ff;}
    #root.root {--status-active: #146fd9;}
    #root.root {--tabs-border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;}
    .Tab .body{
      border-style: solid;
      border-width: 0px 0px 1px;
      border-color: rgba(154, 153, 150,0.55);
    	background-color: #FCFCFC;
    .Tab[data-discarded="true"] > .body > .fav,
    .Tab[data-discarded="true"] > .body > .t-box, 
    .Tab[data-discarded="true"] > .body > .ctx {
      opacity: 1.00;
    	--frame-fg: red;
    .TabsPanel .bottom-space {
    	height: 0;
    .TabsPanel .bottom-bar {
    	display: none;
    .Tab .progress-spinner {
    	right: 1px;
    	bottom: 1px;
    .Tab[data-loading="true"] .fav-icon {
      mask: radial-gradient(circle at calc(100% - 8px) calc(100% - 8px),rgba(0,0,0,.141),rgba(0,0,0,.141) 8px,#000 8px,#000);