Is Federating Magazines/Communities/etc a possibility in the future?

(Quite new to this, so if this is a dumb question, please beat me up gently ;))
ie; Instance 1 and Instance 2 decide to be closely federated, and share common mod and server rules and expectations. /m/fediverse share content with each other between the instances. Instance 3 wants to join, in as well, but does not share mod and server rules, so is not allowed to join in (contribute mods to the magazine really) but are able to read and post normally to @fediverse@instance1 or @fediverse@instance2 etc etc. kind of a consortium of server owners collaborating more closely with like minded servers and cutting down on duplicated magazines.

Perhaps this is overly complicated, I just like the concept of a distributed, mirrored service with redundancy in the event of an issue (ie server owner decides to quit, data center has outages, malicious actors damaging infrastructure, etc. I guess something like usenet was like in the early internet?
