This article was written around 6 months ago and it seems prescient to reflect on our future OS options/habits as we are currently sorting out our online community clusterfuck/fuck you Spez. I feel like many of us have felt the motivation to branch out into a flavor of Linux OS and have read about the brave who took the step only to come back and say “games don’t work” or that you need be a hackerman to run such a setup. Interesting light content to munch on and would love to hear from any brave pioneers who switched and are liking it. Better to start thinking on this now than in a year and change when so many of us will be corralled into the stocks and pushed into Windows 11.

    1 year ago

    I love Linux and have stubbornly tried in the past to exclusively use it, but some people really just need software (in my case Affinity Serif apps or Adobe) to work regardless of OS.