Teacher, programmer, photographer, runner
The power of the Fediverse!
It took a while to click for me. But my students urged me to give it a solid week of regular play before giving up.
I recently tried to play MH: Rise and bounced so hard. They really need to consider how to ease new players to the genre into the game. The first hour included so much exposition, paragraphs of text, and detailed menu tutorials before I really had any context for why anything is important. I know that the games have always been this way, but it felt lazy.
Into the Breach is such a unique concept. I know it’s easy to compare it to games like Fire Emblem or Advance Wars, but it feels much more like a puzzle or chess game.
At least give a performance/fidelity toggle like many games. Especially with how similar the Xbox architecture is to Windows, I’ve always wondered why devs can’t use some of the same tools to give console players more graphical options.
I think someone spotted mixed zoning in the promo material, but we don’t have any real details.
Yeah - the AMA with spez was the writing on the wall. No matter what/how users protest, they can only delay the inevitable changes. I deleted my 10+ year old account and cut my losses. The last thing I want in my social media is platform drama.
It’s also on Game Pass!