One of these probably contains about 3 ingredients, the other, has 20 (and beyondmeat is one of the less bad meat alternatives with regards to this).
One of these probably contains about 3 ingredients, the other, has 20 (and beyondmeat is one of the less bad meat alternatives with regards to this).
Like I said, beyondmeat is one of the less bad options. But let’s not kid ourselves that they’re automatically more healthy. They fall squarely into the ultra processed “foods” category.
Looking at the ingredients of some no meat meatballs from a supermarket and the fourth biggest ingredient is palm oil. They also contain methyl cellulose and dextrose whatever the hell they are!
This may be true in some parts of the world, but not all.
Saturated fats have a bad name, but the real issue is excess, a burger now and then is fine, is when you have it as a regular part of your diet rather than a treat that it becomes problematic.