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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • There’s two, and both pretty controversial.

    1. Horizon Zero Dawn - I love open world games, I love exploring, I love grind, this is someone who has played every Assassins Creed, the Tomb Raider Series, Ghost Recon series, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, and goodness knows what else. I did about 10-12 hours of Zero Dawn and it just bored me. I think the worst thing for was the character acting, I found everyone very wooden, or just had really silly voices (like Aloy’s father or whoever he was, sounded so well spoken). I found it grating. And the landscape, maybe I needed to open up more of the world, but I just didn’t find it very interesting. Sure, Robot’s are fun, but, even they were kinda dull.

    2. The Last of Us - Just couldnt get into it. I just found it very tedious (played about 8 hours). I dont know why it just didn’t resonate with me at all. I think where AC, Tsushima etc offer escapism, TLOU being set in a regular city didnt really excite me to go out an explore. When the tv show started I thought i would give that a go hoping it would get me into playing the game, but i got bored with that about 40 minutes into episode 1 as well :(

  • This is kinda what I hoped Survivor was going to be.

    I’m on a pretty big downer with Jedi: Survivor. I had held off buying a PS5 till there were a few games I wanted to buy and eventually bought it with Survivor as my first game. What a disappointment. Just so buggy and I have quit playing half way through while we wait for them to fix the “Bounty” issue which has been going on for a month now and they done nothing to fix.

    Its put a real dampener on the whole excitement of buying a PS5, rescued somewhat by Rift Apart and Marvel Avengers which I have surprisingly enjoyed.

    I am probably a UBI mark though. I’ve played the entire AC franchise except for ACIII which is next on my list, I love Ghost Recon, (and there were HUGE ghost recon similarities) and I do generally enjoy Ubi games, so its not a surprise that straight away I saw familiar mechanics that appealed.

    But yeh, it looks great. Only slight gripe was I hope that the space travelling aspects have 1st person/cockpit view a’la No Mans Sky rather than 3rd person. Ive always found 3rd person flight a bit janky