I'm not thick. I know it doesn't sound like much of a boast, but I'm pretty competent at this whole adulting lark. But it appeared that I had forgotten a 4 digit number I'd set up less than a minute ago! The security guard smiled wearily at me, "It happens to everyone!" She said. Which, [...]
A little rant for this Saturday about a stupid usability problem which will never get fixed.
Something I’ve always found funny is the fact that there’s a big chunk of people who have only ever encountered a scramble-pad for typing their bank PIN in Runescape
I’ve encountered this in two places. One was way back in the day on Runescape where they shuffled the keys after every press. The other was much more recently with a bank that had them shuffled randomly on page load, but not moving between key presses. Annoyingly, this bank allowed only logging on to their web service via a 4-digit PIN—not any sort of real password/passphrase.
Something I’ve always found funny is the fact that there’s a big chunk of people who have only ever encountered a scramble-pad for typing their bank PIN in Runescape
I’ve encountered this in two places. One was way back in the day on Runescape where they shuffled the keys after every press. The other was much more recently with a bank that had them shuffled randomly on page load, but not moving between key presses. Annoyingly, this bank allowed only logging on to their web service via a 4-digit PIN—not any sort of real password/passphrase.